

2237 Uppsatser om Human - Sida 1 av 150

Lärstilar - Human Dynamics - Inlärningsprocesser - Intervjustudie med pedagoger i grundskolan

Föreliggande studie bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer av fem pedagoger. Genom att intervjua pedagoger med utbildning i Human Dynamics, undersöker jag hur pedagoger arbetar praktisk med Human Dynamics med fokus på inlärningsprocessen. Jag undersöker även likheter och skillnader mellan Human Dynamics och Dunn och Dunns lärstilsmodell..

Technologised Parenthood: An Ethical Implacation of Human Reproductive Cloning

Science and technology has been the bedrock of Human growth and dynamism. Man has over the years distinguished his existence from all other beings by his ability to champion and fashion his existence. Among his tools is biotechnology which actually attenuates the fears of aging and death.Human reproductive cloning stands out as one of the means through which biotechnology plans to achieve this perfect existence for man. Technological advancements in the field of biotechnology are now in the threshold of Human procreation.Human reproductive cloning is seen as an assisted method of reproduction which creates a newborn that is genetically identical to another Human being.Human reproductive cloning as a technology and as a means of reproduction is not without its pros and cons. In as much as the technology promises to mention but a few, hope for the infertile couples and single parents, as well as the hope of reproduction without passing on hereditary diseases; it at the same time beeps some flashes of worry.

Value creation- How can companies optimize the human capital

The thesis aims to examine how companies optimize the Human capital from a value creation perspective. The value creation will be related to transfer of knowledge, recruitment, staff turnover and development. The thesis has a deductive approach and six qualitative interviews have been conducted. The results from the interviews will be strengthened with a quantitative data analysis of two measurements; value added per employee and Human capital efficiency. The theoretical framework includes definitions of Human capital.

Humankapitalets roll vid företagsvärdering

This study investigates a method for identifying Human capital and its effect on company valuation. We devise a measure for the efficiency of Human capital based on the personnel cost. We include all companies listed in the financial and industry sector on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm in an attempt to examine Human capital and its effect on firm valuation. Our results indicate that a higher efficiency of Human capital has a positive effect on return on assets. However, we find that our measure can be interpreted in two ways; either as a firm?s level of Human capital efficiency or its dependency on Human capital, to achieve its net sales and revenue.

Value creation- How can companies optimize the human capital

The thesis aims to examine how companies optimize the Human capital from a value creation perspective. The value creation will be related to transfer of knowledge, recruitment, staff turnover and development. The thesis has a deductive approach and six qualitative interviews have been conducted. The results from the interviews will be strengthened with a quantitative data analysis of two measurements; value added per employee and Human capital efficiency. The theoretical framework includes definitions of Human capital.

En studie om klagomålsbeteende i den virtuella världen

The thesis ?Vi fixar och trixar oss fram till att hjälpa människor? focuses on social work in the field of prostitution and Human trafficking in Sweden. Through semi-structured interviews with social workers in the municipalities of Stockholm, Göteborg and Malmö working with persons selling and buying sex, and through discourse analysis, the author analyses the perceptions among these social workers of the relation between Human rights, prostitution and Human trafficking, and the social work which they conduct.The thesis concludes that although the social workers perceive prostitution and Human trafficking and social work in this field as Human rights related, they are not explicitly using a Human rights based approach in their work.The thesis concludes that the social workers identify several aspects that infringe on the rights of their clients in relation to the Human rights principles of Universality, Non-discrimination, Accountability and Rule of law and the principle of Participation and Inclusion. They portray the Human rights situation of street based sellers, especially those not being Swedish citizens and those affected by Human trafficking, as severe.The thesis concludes that the social workers find several obstacles (legal as well as structural) that diminish their ability to strengthen their clients? Human rights situation.

Människovärdet och de mänskliga rättigheterna : En analys av tre perspektiv på människovärdet och de mänskliga rättigheterna

AbstractThis study is a critical analysis of three different views on Human dignity and its function in the discourse of Human rights: that of Christopher McCrudden, Jürgen Habermas and Elena Namli. The three positions are interpreted, analyzed and compared in order to see which is most reasonable.The conclusion is that Habermas?s and McCrudden?s view of Human rights as legal reduces Human dignity to a legal concept. Namli?s perspective of Human dignity as a moral principle generates a wider understanding of Human dignity and its function.

Personalekonomi i teori och praktik

Given a considerable increase in knowledge-based companies, the interest for measuring and valuing intangible assets, particularly Human capital, has increased accordingly. Human capital has climbed the management research agenda as Human assets make substantial contribution to the value creation in knowledge-based companies. Neither internal nor external financial statements reflect the value of an organization?s Human assets. Against this backdrop, we find it interesting to explore how counting and controlling for Human capital is devised.

Personalekonomi i teori och praktik:

Given a considerable increase in knowledge-based companies, the interest for measuring and valuing intangible assets, particularly Human capital, has increased accordingly. Human capital has climbed the management research agenda as Human assets make substantial contribution to the value creation in knowledge-based companies. Neither internal nor external financial statements reflect the value of an organization?s Human assets. Against this backdrop, we find it interesting to explore how counting and controlling for Human capital is devised.

Skärvstenshögar med människoben i norra Mälarområdet

Mounds of fire-cracked stones is a typical Bronze Age monument for the region around lake Mälaren. They are usually, because of their content, interpreted as piles of rubbish. But as they often have kerbs, are situated on cemeteries and sometimes contain Human bones, the traditional interpretation is not fully satisfactory.The main focus of this essay is on the mounds of fire-cracked stones which contain Human bones in the region north of lake Mälaren. With a detailed study of these, and a comparison with those without Human bones, my aim is to get closer to an explanation why the Human bones were deposited. The essay consist of a comp­ilation  of 98 excavated mounds and a database with various information gathered from excavation reports and archive documents.With different kinds of osteological aspects taken in consideration, the study shows that Human bones have been found in about a third of the mounds.

Education as a Human Right: Paulo Freire Case in the Point

The purpose of this paper is to understand why education is a Human right. I will look at works by the late Paulo Freire, a Brazilian educator. Paulo Freire worked for many years on developing a pedagogy to promote Humanity. His goal was to demonstrate that a literate person will ultimately live a better life because she will be free from oppression and domination.I chose to study Paulo Freire as a tool in proving why education is a Human right because throughout his work he demonstrated the need for people to be literate in order for them to be considered ?truly Human?.

Hur tolkar eleverna handlingen i en visad film?

Föreliggande studie bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer av fem pedagoger. Genom att intervjua pedagoger med utbildning i Human Dynamics, undersöker jag hur pedagoger arbetar praktisk med Human Dynamics med fokus på inlärningsprocessen. Jag undersöker även likheter och skillnader mellan Human Dynamics och Dunn och Dunns lärstilsmodell..

Human Dynamics : Gynnar förhållningssättet elever med koncentrationssvårigheter?

Examensarbetet ger läsaren en inblick i förhållningssättet och verktyget Human Dynamics. I arbetet jämförs annan forsknings syn på en gynnsam lärandemiljö för barn med koncentrationssvårigheter med Human Dynamics teori.Syftet har varit att undersöka om förhållningssättet är fördelaktigt för elever med koncentrationssvårigheter.Undersökningen, som är baserad på intervjuer med kvalitativ inriktning, visar exempel på hur pedagoger använder verktyget i praktiken samt hur de uppfattar barn med koncentrationssvårigheter och deras behov. Respondenterna är positiva till Human Dynamics och menar att förståelsen för olikheter och insikter om sig själv har hjälpt dem att se olika individers behov på ett annat sätt än tidigare.Slutsatsen är att Human Dynamics teori är förenlig med annan forskning och gynnsam för alla individer, men kunskapen löser inte alla svårigheter utan specialpedagogiska åtgärder är nödvändiga i vissa fall..

OS i mänskliga rättigheter Sommarolympiaden i Peking 2008

The eighth of august the Olympic games in Beijing started. The chinese regime promised to improve the Human rights situation in the country if awarded the Olympic games 2008. The decision to place the games in Beijing arouse severe critique and many questioned how the International Olympic Committe could place the games in a country that so obviously violate basic Human rights.The main purpose of this essay has been to analyse what consequences the Olympic Games has given the Human rights situation in China. In order to accomplish this I have studied some specific Human rights, which I consider to be directly linked to the games. I found that the situation for these Human rights has infact worsened since 2001 when China was awarded the games.

Human Security in Serbia: A Case Study of the Economic and Personal Security of Internally Displaced Persons

The aim of this study was twofold; firstly it sought to describe the Human security situation of Roma IDPs and IDPs living in collective centers, secondly it tried to create an understanding for how the Human security situation can affect IDPs capabilities to develop. The findings of the study were mainly based on a field study conducted in Belgrade, Serbia for two months. The results of the study were that IDPs in collective centers have a poor Human security situation regarding basic income, employment, adequate housing and experienced personal security. Roma IDPs suffer from the same insecurities, but in addition also has poor Human security in basic education and personal safety. Their stagnant Human security situation proved to be the result of the inability to help IDPs by the actors involved in the relief work.

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